
ringdown is a Python package for the Bayesian analysis of black hole ringdowns in data from gravitational-wave detectors, like LIGO and Virgo.

ringdown contains basic utilities to manipulate strain data and easily set up your own inference analyses quickly. The current implementation relies on PyMC for sampling multidimensional posterior probability densities.

This documentation is being actively developed. Usage examples can be found here and API documentation in the Module Index.

https://badge.fury.io/py/ringdown.svg https://img.shields.io/badge/GitHub-ringdown-blue https://zenodo.org/badge/DOI/10.5281/zenodo.5094067.svg


You can get an analysis going with just a few lines of code. For example, assuming you have already downloaded GW150914 data from GWOSC:

import ringdown as rd
fit = rd.Fit('mchi', modes=[(1,-2,2,2,0), (1,-2,2,2,1)])
fit.load_data('{i}-{i}1_GWOSC_16KHZ_R1-1126259447-32.hdf5', ifos=['H1', 'L1'], kind='gwosc')
fit.set_target(1126259462.4083147, ra=1.95, dec=-1.27, psi=0.82, duration=0.05)
fit.update_prior(A_scale=1e-21, M_min=50, M_max=150)

Or run using a configuration file from the command line:

ringdown_fit config.ini

See full-fledged examples in the Example gallery.

How to cite

We ask that scientific users of this code cite the corresponding Zenodo entry (see blue DOI badge above), as well as Isi & Farr (2021):

    author = "Isi, Maximiliano and Farr, Will M.",
    title = "{Analyzing black-hole ringdowns}",
    eprint = "2107.05609",
    archivePrefix = "arXiv",
    primaryClass = "gr-qc",
    reportNumber = "LIGO-P2100227",
    month = "7",
    year = "2021"


Indices and tables